Nestlé Sno-Caps is an old fashioned "movie candy" brand that most people either vaguely remember or don't even know. (Unless you were raised to mix them in your popcorn at the movies). Using a narrative that pulls from the "forgotten" history of the sweet treat, a campaign based around social media, a grassroots "call to action", and DIY graffiti art, Sno-Caps can reach a whole new generation looking for their next sugar fix...


Sno-Caps spells "snow" without a "w". The story goes that when the candy was created in the 1920s, the company could afford either the printing costs for the "w" on the box or the manufacturing costs for the signature crunchy, white, "nonpareils" that surround the chocolate morsels. The choice was obvious. They shortened the name to "Sno-Caps" and dropped the "w".

The W left off the box has been struggling to make ends meet as a "letter actor" ever since. It recently decided to take to step into the public conversation to tell its story, look for new work, and if it plays its cards right...get its old job back. He shares his past career successes and failures, trolls Nestlé for attention, shamelessly self-promotes, tries to engage other prominent "W" businesses for work, and ultimately starts the #bringbackthew to Sno-Caps campaign.

* "W" designed by Jon Brammer of Jon Brammer Design

1. The Social Media Narrative

W gets online to tell its story, share its past, and gather support for its comeback…


Stickers from W begin to appear in stores bearing the now-familiar "W" logo…


2. DIY Graffiti Art

W and its supporters hit the streets and begin to target Nestlé poster ads…

3. The Online Petition

Along with the social media and the "on the streets" campaign, W takes the #bringbackthew fight right to Nestlé with an online petition...